Committing Suicide: A Choice or an Inevitable Option?

• Why would somebody say "I quit"?
• Why would somebody leave everything and not live anything?
• Why would somebody not be free enough to simply breathe?
• Why would somebody die by choice?
• Why would somebody?
• Why?

• Why would they think that leaving the body would achieve more happiness to their soul?
• Why do they think that leaving the world will gain more happiness than sadness?
• Why are they not bestowed upon with some warm feelings that says "You are not Alone"?
• Why in the population of a whopping 7 Billion humans, a dog can touch more heart, be trusted more, and be loved more? 

• Is it really this easy choice to walk through this path of darkness, or is it an inevitable option?
• What terrible impact do we have on human emotions and freedom?
• When will we understand that a person would have lived even if a slight ray of hope was laid out to him/her.
• When will we realize that understanding the feelings and emotions of a person is far more important than to suppress that individual?

• What hurdles an individual must be facing that he/she is unable to express what's been under their head for quite a time? 
• One thing is for sure that we would never know what a person is hiding beneath them until we ask them.
• If an individual is not even comfortable to share what's hurting him/her with his/her own family, there has something terrible happened to the word "Family".
• Why is a person not allowed to ask questions while he/she is alive?
• Why is it that an incident has to happen for people to realize, what impact they were having on somebody's life from their actions?

• What can we do to stop this fatality?
• What change are we capable enough to bring in these dreadful times?

• Start by simply advising your dear ones to soak in the natural Earth, soak in the drops of rain, soak in the fresh air, soak in the beautiful scenarios, you are just a human, not a Robot. Start feeling!
• The Second best way, is to just stop thinking, stop wondering, stop obsessing, stop imagining about stuff and just take a deep breath. 

And, Do think about "What if";

• What if, you choose to live?
• What if, you are the person that changes the fate of your whole family?
• What if, you bring positive changes in other people's life by simply staying alive?
• What if, you are somebody that can be the face of Living, and not Leaving?

• Think about your close ones, who would not even realize why you aren't waking up, why are you not picking up their calls, why is the smell of your favourite food not forcing you to come and eat, why aren't you doing something that you are best at?
• Just don't opt to leave man, I have said this before and I will say this again;

The World does need you!
You do have a purpose!
You are no less than anybody!
You are important!
Nobody else can play your part!
And I am proud to stay alive with you!

• To sum up, I'd just say, "Finding the courage to live is a far more worthy hope, than just finding a long piece of rope."


Can you please write on how a guy became stuff or fuckboy and a girl became whore.....
Dhyey Soni said…
Sure just comment your name and email and we can discuss your pain, emotions or feelings related to this particular topic. Hoping to work with you. Thank you.
Vishesh soni said…
Unknown said…
For those who want to end their life..i know you want the chaos and storm to bring you pain and destroy you and want to be left alone but know that i won't let you.
I will be the moonlight to your darkness and tell you that you have got this..
Self harm (suicide) is neither a choice nor an inevitable option..
Dhyey Soni said…
I 100% agree with you buddy, we do require more souls like you, rise and shine, Rise and Shine! Feel free to write any of your thoughts, stories, pain, or emotions on my profile. Love ya
Unknown said…
You are doing great..thanks to you for talking about such matters and i am happy to share my you too and more power to you ♥πŸ™

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