To Mourn for a Soul: A Self-Realization or an Enforced Responsibility?
• Ever lose somebody? Whether physically or mentally? and not felt like crying? • Your life isn't always about earning everything, feeling everything, and cherishing everything, along with these beautiful ventures, your life is also destined to Lose something. We always are in the fear of losing someone close, but what we never realize is that the person who is being lost is finding a new destiny for themselves, is letting themselves loose in the fresh breeze of nature, is experiencing the ultimate freedom, and is feeling something that he/she has never felt. And just so; • It is okay not to Cry. • It is okay not to look upset. • It is okay not to be angry. • It is okay not to feel lonely. • It is okay not to look stuck. • It is okay not to feel responsible for what has happened. • After all, these are just the barriers of being alive and I'm sure that your love for that Soul has already crossed such filthy and tiny obstacles. You, my friend, are totally in the possession of...